“CONTAMIN-ARTI” is a  MOTUS project, in  collaboration with  Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “R. Franci” and  “SienaFotoClub”, supported by Comune di Siena and included in the program of  “Siena Città Aperta ai Giovani”

“CONTAMINARTI” is aimed to the multidisciplinary artistic development of young talents. In fact, the contamination between different forms of artistic expressions (music, dance, photography, multimedia) has a fundamental role  in the professional development of  young artists.
From January 
2019, a group of young artists has been involved in  interdisciplinary  workshops with the aim of sharing knowledge in different artistic disciplines.
At the end of this process, the young artists will perform at Rinnovati Theatre (Siena, Italy) on the 16th of March
together with the dancers of the MOTUS Company, the musicians of the I.S.S.M. “Rinaldo Franci” and the photographers of SienaFotoClub.

Information and booking: 0577286980 /


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