Sunday 11 October 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Rinnovati Theatre in Siena

Sunday 10 October at 7 pm the Rinnovati Theatre will host the evening event of the festival “Sì Siena – linguaggio tra cielo e terra ” with the original performance “Federigo di Siena, il cielo nelle ossa”, the tribute of a great actor of Italian theater and cinema, Alessandro Preziosi, to the genius of Federigo di Siena, Federigo Tozzi, to celebrate the centenary of his death.
A creation between reading and dance, created by the artistic director Davide Rondoni, author of “Noi, il ritmo. Taccuino di un poeta per la danza”(La Nave di Teseo), dedicated to a writer who makes you feel the “il cielo nelle ossa ” (the sky in your bones).
A unique performance created for SìSiena, with an anthology of Tozzi’s most beautiful pages , including those dedicated to his city, and the dance of the MOTUS Company.
Free entry.
To participate it is necessary to book by writing to
“Sì Siena – linguaggio tra cielo e terra”, with the artistic direction e organization of Davide Rondoni, is promoted by Comune di Siena.