The new MOTUS production, choreographed by Martina Agricoli, will be premiered on July 31st

On Friday 31st of July the Chianti Festival program hosts “PIA”, the new performance produced by MOTUS within the “Choregrafic Residences” project aimed to supports young dance authors.
“PIA” is a contemporary work which, through the iconic figure of Pia de’Tolomei, brings on stage the injustice and cruelness of a domestic violence, which is similar to those recorded every day in our Country.
The symbolism adopted in this play obviously refers to Dante’s history but projects it into the present time without interruption, exactly in the same way as the violence perpetuated on women’s bodies for centuries did not stop, even during the recent lockdown due to the pandemic emergency.
A body of a young woman forced into the space of a castle-prison, attacked and thrown out of the window, is the focus of the work of the choreographer Martina Agricoli, and it is the essence of her dance research.
The show, interpreted by Martina Agricoli, Ilaria Fratantuono and Mattia Solano, directed by Rosanna and Simona Cieri, is included in the Company’s three-year production project supported by the Tuscany Region and in the project of MOTUS artistic Residence at the Municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga.
The show, with free admission, will be presented at 9.15 pm in Villa a Sesta and is included in the program of the Chianti Festival, a festival of theater, dance and music organized by Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo.