In Casciano di Murlo on wednesday, July, 6
On Wednesday, July, 6, at 10:00 pm in Casciano di Murlo (via del Lagaccio 18), the Festival “Blu Etrusco” hosts the contemporary dance of the Company MOTUS, which brings on stage the show “MURI”, denouncing the dramatic increase in gender-based violence during pandemic.
According to ISTAT, in the fourth quarter of 2021, calls to emergency number 1522 against violence on women, recorded a sharp increase of 65.3%, compared to the previous year and contacts through chat increased to +93.1%. Impressive percentages, especially considering that in 2020 the number of women killed had increased, reaching the sad record of a murder every three days.
The associations had sounded the alarm since the first lockdown. The fear was that, for women that were victims of violence, the quarantine would coincide with an increase in violence, because of isolation and forced cohabitation, making women and their children even more vulnerable to domestic violence. Now the data confirms the fears. For women victims of violence the campaign “stay at home” launched during the lockdown was not a safe invitation. Home walls often turned into a prison and, in some cases, that meant their death sentence.
On stage MOTUS symbolizes this constraint with a “cage”, around which the whole story unfolds, enclosing the victim in her loneliness and isolation. With a contemporary and poetic gestural language, the young choreographer Martina Agricoli goes into the psychological analysis of a woman forced into the home-prison, while reliving moments of her life. Memories materialize outside the room and outside her body, incarnating in a female figure victim of a sick love and an indifferent and violent male figure.
“MURI”, produced with the support of Regione Toscana, is performed by Ilaria Fratantuono, Mattia Solano and Martina Agricoli herself, and is presented as a preview of the “Blu Etrusco” Festival conceived and organized by Comune di Murlo in collaboration with the associations and production activities of the territory, with the patronage of Regione Toscana, Provincia di Siena, Unione dei Comuni della Val di Merse and Fondazione Musei Senesi.
The show is free admission.
For information: +39 0577 814099 or