After the tour in 2021, through Emilia, Tuscany, Lazio, Basilicata and Umbria, “A ≠ B” (AdiversodaB) arrives for the first time in Liguria. Saturday 12 March, at 9 pm, the Dialma Cantiere Creativo Urbano in La Spezia hosts the Regional Premiere of the latest production of the MOTUS Company.
“A≠B (AdiversodaB)” is an energetic, expressive and at times ironic contemporary dance performance that addresses the issue of diversity, questioning the concepts of equality and fairness, to denounce that too often, quoting Orwell, “everyone is equal but someone is more equal than others”.
“A ≠ B” (AdiversodaB) is a show about differences, which toured Italy to denounce all forms of discrimination through a national awareness campaign, supported by funds from the Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese. Directed by Rosanna and Simona Cieri, the show, through the peculiar choreographic style of Simona Cieri, strongly contaminated by the theater, underlines that diversity constitute a resource, to be protected and enhanced. Rather than showing the differences (but which ones?), MOTUS chooses to bring on stage a careless and superficial humanity, that supports and feeds a violent power system based on opposition to an enemy and on building walls. As in “I mostri”, the film directed by Dino Risi in 1963, this humanity, with its very Italian (but not only) characters, tends to adapt and ends up being the foundation of a corrupt and brutal system, that does not hesitate to destroy everything and all in order to preserve and increase its privileges. But the ending is like a punch in the stomach, showing that no one can consider itself foreign to this perverse gear .
The show, performed by Martina Agricoli (assistant to the choreography), Riccardo De Simone, Ilaria Fratantuono, Roberta Morello, Marta Pendenza and Mattia Solano, is produced with the support of the Tuscany Region.
The event will take place in compliance with the anti-covid19 regulations.
Tickets: full € 8. – reduced € 5 (under 18, students, over 65, dance school students).
For information and reservations: +39 3332489192 (also via whatsapp)