The MOTUS Company on tour in London with “Broken Lady” by Simona Cieri

The MOTUS Company on tour in London

with “Broken Lady” by Simona Cieri

The MOTUS Company is on tour in London to present the performance “Broken Lady”.

The worh, created by Simona Cieri, has been selected by a panel of experts and will be staged at The Line Gallery on the 20th of December.

The performance deals with the themes of the female condition and of the daily fight between imposed models and the need to truly be herself, which passes through women’s bodies.

Although many years have passed since women leaving in western countries obtained legal recognition and equal rights, they still live in a condition of subordination that is implemented through exploitation and contempt for their bodies. The culture of contemporary societies is obsessed with controlling women’s bodies. This control is exercised through images of unreal female beauty whilst real female bodies and the women who inhabit them are alienated from their own personal and political potential.

The Company will be in London for meetings until the 22nd of December.

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