The show “Pia” of the MOTUS Company against violence on women

Wednesday 2 February at 9 p.m. Siena Città Aperta, festival organized by the Municipality of Siena, in collaboration with Fondazione MPS and Vernice, hosts at the Teatro dei Rinnovati in Siena the show “PIA” of the MOTUS Company, winner of SCA2020 Award.

After the success in Berlin,  the show brings back to the historical theatre of Siena a story whose roots lie hidden in the city’s history, because it is inspired by the character of Pia de ‘Tolomei, described in the “Divina Commedia” written by Dante Alighieri.

“PIA” is above all a modern performance denouncing contemporary problems, through the story of the feminicide of a Sienese noblewoman. A story that, although chronologically distant, is still relevant, especially in times of pandemics, when, following the restrictions imposed by the health emergency, we have seen a dizzying increase in requests for help from anti-violence centers all over the world.

The show “Pia”, produced by MOTUS with the support of the Tuscany Region, with choreography created by Martina Agricoli, historical dancer of the Company, is performed by Ilaria Fratantuono, Mattia Solano, and by Martina Agricoli herself and directed by Rosanna and Simona Cieri.

With a contemporary and poetic choreographic language, Martina Agricoli analyze the psychology of a woman forced into a prison, who rethinks about some dramatic moments of her life,  and whose memories materialise outside the room and outside her body, embodying a woman victim of a sick love and an indifferent and violent man.

For information and reservations: Booking Office of the Municipality of Siena  – +39 0577292615/14 from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:30. 

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