

Coproductionwith Comune di Tuzla (Bosnia Erzegovina)

Produced in collaboration with
Provincia di Siena
Alexander Langer Foundation and Tuzlanska Amica

with the support of Regione Toscana, Comune di Siena and Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Meeting does not mean to be in the same place at the same time or just  to talk with somebody else.
A real meeting includes entering in close contact with other thinking, sharing different experiences and cultures without prejudice, and understanding feelings even while having different opinions.
Meeting is the basis for tolerance and peaceful cohabitation.
Contemporary society offers a lot of new instruments to meet people all over the world.
Can the spread of communication through the Internet, televisions, cellular phones and other mass media be considered a real improvement?
Nothing is authentic and something exists only when mediated. In the new virtual world men and women are alone. They refuse true meetings and are not able to communicate with real interest.
Is the illusion to be in contact with everybody at any time, bringing each of us in a sort of mediated protective shell of solitude?

The MOTUS Company analyses the behaviours of the “virtual society” drawing a cynical picture, which becomes sometimes dramatic, sometimes ironical.

Coreography Simona Cieri
Script content and screenplay Rosanna Cieri
Dancers Veronica Abate, Martina Agricoli
Maurizio Cannalire, Simona Gori
Federica Morettini, Riccardo Pardini
e con Simona Cieri
Directed by Rosanna e Simona Cieri







Photo: Carlo Pennatini

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