Stereotypes are like water to fish: just because they are everywhere around us, we no longer see them. (Foster Wallace)
Stereotypes. Rigid, predetermined figures of what we think we know, or that we carry inside.
Prejudices and clichés that feed on ignorance, fear and habit.
It is not easy to abandon the comfort of false certainties, for the inconvenience of an empty space to be filled with the ideas of all. But what would happen if we gave up to doubt and if we were overcome by an insatiable curiosity for everything that is not exactly as we expect it?
Reversing the perspective, the term “stereo”, which usually means stable, solid, durable, can also assume the meaning of space, or even three-dimensional.
Maybe then, in this utopic but not impossible world, the multiple waves freely produced by each musician, will spread in the space create a unique harmony.
And as if by magic, everything would change only in music, MUSICA NUDA.
Choreography | Simona Cieri |
Concept | Rosanna Cieri |
Music | MUSICA NUDA Petra Magoni e Ferruccio Spinetti |
With | Veronica Abate, Martina Agricoli, Andrè Alma, Maurizio Cannalire, Simona Gori |
Directed by | Rosanna e Simona Cieri |