An ironic and irreverent picture of our beautiful country, seen through the eyes of those who “do not feel Italian, but fortunately or unfortunately he is.”
“Our worst fault is complacency. No one speaks so badly of his country like we do, but only because we consider ourselves so lucky to be born here, we can afford any luxury: even to spit on that luck “(Massimo Gramellini)
Choreography | Simona Cieri |
Concept | Rosanna Cieri |
Music | autori vari |
Dancers | Veronica Abate, Martina Agricoli, Andrè Alma, Maurizio Cannalire, Simona Gori |
With | Miriam D’Acquisto, Eleonora Della Torre, Ilaria Fratantuono, Mattia Solano |
Directed by | Rosanna e Simona Cieri |